Times of transition are especially rich with wabi-sabi. In Japan this transitional beauty can be found during the days of the cherry blossoms.
The lush days of summer are ripe and full with their own type of beauty but this is not wabi-sabi. Wabi-sabi is evocative. I see the plants all around me going to seed. In the spring new life will come and the days will be a bit brighter. For now the gray season has begun.
“Things are either devolving toward or evolving from nothingness.” ~ Leonard Koren
The gray season feels quiet and dark but I like it. I like listening to a specific kind of music now. I like dressing in different colors now. Heck, if I had the storage space I might even go so far as changing my home decor!
Transitions exist no matter what and no matter where you are. It is how we look at them and respond that counts.